
Showing posts with the label Google penalty

Natural link building technique

How to create natural pattern linkbacks and what is the importance of natural links. Websites who create unnatural linkbacks, using software link solutions and create illegal categories of webpages linkbacks so those website decrease search engine rankings on major search engines. If website traffic slowly decrease so this is the reason of penalty. What kind of link backs allow search engine? There are so many kinds of backlinks are allow webmaster. See the list of acceptable backlinks. * Relevant to your targeted keywords and your URL relevant content pages links are allow. Page rank 3 or above page rank links are acceptable. * Nofollow but higher page authority links are also good for website health those linkbacks are noindex and nofollow but the impact of the backlinks are increase website targeted traffic. Mostly higher page authority websites allow nofollow links such as decilious and reddit. * Higher page rank dofollow index links are best. Those backlinks very ...